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L’examen se déroule en 2 étapes :
1. Compte-rendu structuré en français du document
2. Conclusion / ouverture, en anglais, en utilisant notamment les questions ci-dessous, avant un échange sur le thème avec le jury
1. What do you think about this document?
2. How can you link this document to what you studied in class?
3. How can you link this document to your professional experience?
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Multiple choice questions about…
A Horseman in the Sky
by Ambrose Bierce
What year does the story take place?
- 1860
- 1861
- 1862
At that time, a great civil war is happening in the US.
The Union Army of the North soldiers are dressed in…
- green
- grey*
- blue
The soldiers fighting for the South are dressed in…
- green
- grey*
- blue
*(le mot “gris” peut être épelé de 2 manières en anglais: grey (le plus répandu) ou gray (qu’on trouve en anglais américain))
Carter Druse, a young man from the South, announces to his father that he will fight with the North. His father...
- supports his choice
- doesn’t want to let him join the North
- regretfully accepts his choice
A few weeks later, Carter Druse is hidden in the bushes, because he is…
- supposed to watch a road
- ready to attack the enemy’s camp
- hiding from an attack
But he is not very concentrated on the job. Indeed, he is…
- smoking a cigarette
- resting
- writing a letter to his father
The bushes he is hiding in are situated…
- next to a river
- under a wooden bridge
- at the top of a cliff
Druse is suddenly surprised by the arrival close to him of a soldier from the South on a horse. This hoseman, who doesn’t see Druse, holds in one of his hands…
- a gun
- a sword
- a flag
When the horseman turns his face towards Druse, the latter doesn’t shoot him, because…
- he thinks the horseman doesn’t represent any danger
- he discovers something that shocks him
- he is too coward to pull the trigger
He then realizes that the horseman …
- has discovered where the Northerners’ camp is hidden
- has seen Druse and is about to shoot him
- is about to shoot another soldier from the Northerners’ camp
Therefore, Druse shoots his gun, aiming at…
- the head of the horseman
- the horse
- the sky
With the shock of the bullet, the soldier and his horse fall…
- into the river
- from the bridge
- from the cliff
At the very end, when asked by a sergeant, Druse reveals that the horseman was…
- his father
- his brother
- his son