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Multiple choice questions about…​​​
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
by Bob Dylan

True or false ?
At the time of the murder, William Zanzinger…
- was 25 years old True / False
- was working at the Baltimore Hotel True / False
- fled after the murder True / False
- was the heir of a wealthy family  True / False
- was arrested 2 days after the murder True / False
- remained in prison for only a few minutes after his arrest True / False
- had a lot of important relations True / False

True or false ?
At the time of the murder, Hattie Carroll…
- was 51 years old True / False
- was working as a servant True / False
- was childless True / False
- had provoked William Zanzinger True / False

Zanzinger killed Hattie Carroll with…
- a gun
- a cane
- a knife

Zanzinger killed Carroll…
- for no apparent reason
- because she had spit in his food
- because she hadn’t emptied ashtrays

After the murder, Zanzinger was…
- sentenced to death penalty
- sentenced to spend six months in jail
- freed

Bob Dylan seems to think that the judge’s decision is…
- fair
- exaggerated
- shameful

In this song, Bob Dylan tries to explain that the most scandalous aspect of this story is…
- how Zanzinger killed Hattie Carroll
- how Hattie Carroll was working like a slave
- how the police treated William Zanzinger
- how the justice treated the case

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