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L’examen se déroule en 2 étapes :
1. Compte-rendu structuré en français du document
2. Conclusion / ouverture, en anglais, en utilisant notamment les questions ci-dessous, avant un échange sur le thème avec le jury
1. What do you think about this document?
2. How can you link this document to what you studied in class?
3. How can you link this document to your professional experience?
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Multiple choice questions about…
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
by Bob Dylan
True or false ?
At the time of the murder, William Zanzinger…
- was 25 years old True / False
- was working at the Baltimore Hotel True / False
- fled after the murder True / False
- was the heir of a wealthy family True / False
- was arrested 2 days after the murder True / False
- remained in prison for only a few minutes after his arrest True / False
- had a lot of important relations True / False
True or false ?
At the time of the murder, Hattie Carroll…
- was 51 years old True / False
- was working as a servant True / False
- was childless True / False
- had provoked William Zanzinger True / False
Zanzinger killed Hattie Carroll with…
- a gun
- a cane
- a knife
Zanzinger killed Carroll…
- for no apparent reason
- because she had spit in his food
- because she hadn’t emptied ashtrays
After the murder, Zanzinger was…
- sentenced to death penalty
- sentenced to spend six months in jail
- freed
Bob Dylan seems to think that the judge’s decision is…
- fair
- exaggerated
- shameful
In this song, Bob Dylan tries to explain that the most scandalous aspect of this story is…
- how Zanzinger killed Hattie Carroll
- how Hattie Carroll was working like a slave
- how the police treated William Zanzinger
- how the justice treated the case