Merci de regarder la vidéo suivante
L’examen se déroule en 2 étapes :
1. Compte-rendu structuré en français du document
2. Conclusion / ouverture, en anglais, en utilisant notamment les questions ci-dessous, avant un échange sur le thème avec le jury
1. What do you think about this document?
2. How can you link this document to what you studied in class?
3. How can you link this document to your professional experience?
Back to the English Class
Des ressources pour aller au-delà des cours...
Articles pour Compte-Rendu
Playing video games at work reduces stress
Aspects of work life balance you won't find in company presentations
Habits are hard to break and checking emails are no exception
How social media in the workplace could be deleting our productivity
Is age discrimination hurting your career ?
Open plan offices must be rethought to prevent employees losing focus
Benefits of saying nice things about your colleagues
Walking or cycling to work 'improves well-being'
Seven optimum conditions for happiness at work
Vidéos pour se préparer à l'oral
No more telecommuting at Yahoo
Sustainibility at work with Actsmart
Going Green Shouldn't Be this hard (from 00:30 to 03:11)
Love your job: CEO on getting employees passionate about work
Breaking the dress code: Sticking out at work may boost your career
Why being 'invisible' at work is a good thing
Obama : Workplace Discrimination is still taking place
Working longer hours linked with stroke risk, study finds
Is eating lunch at your desk bad for you ?
Breaks at work actually improve your productivity
Vacation from your emails helps your productivity
Tesla solar panels are starting to power Hawaii island
Quelques Infographies (pour enrichir ses connaissances)
How Employees Feel About Their Job
Things You Need to Know About Mental Wellbeing
Can Women Have it All ? (Work Life Balance)
Salary Gap between Men and Women
The Different Generations in the Workplace
Explications et exemples de lettres
Formules pour rédiger une note interne / lettre circulaire
Organiser des déplacements, accueils et transferts
Rédiger une lettre de motivation
Envoyer une lettre de réclamation
Exemples de Lettres Circulaires
Comment signer au nom de quelqu'un d'autre ?
===> Différents exemples et quiz pour travailler ses lettres<===
Des synonymes pour paraître plus professionnel
===>Spécial Seminar<===
Organiser un déplacement à l'étranger
How to write a business email of invitation
Exercice : Reserver une chambre d'hôtel
Quelques formulations pour un mail de reservation
Comprendre le jargon anglo-saxon
Vocabulaire Echéances et Créneaux
Vocabulaire Agendas et Réunions